الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

100 times the bubble tea

 good morning pandas

today i drink the bubble tea it is yummy

and i see the bubbles i was saying "blub blub blub

do u know that the the bubble tea is in billy's mouth

yea curly the clown he suprise us with the bubble tea i was feeling crazy

yesterday i put my crab costume to drink the bubble tea i wanted to take off  the costum but i cant take

but i cant take it of blub blub blub

the zip was suck we pulled it up and down 100 time now he have to go with his small legs

i am sorry pandas

today i see a panda at the beach he was very tierd and he was lieing on the sand i went to see the

doctor to help him but i didnt see her at the hospital ???? it is very strange i think that fred have a

something in the story i am in quest my son is a pirate but i didnt see any thing like this once

and i play my son is a pirate in my old account it is very strange if u know the answer write  it in the
the panda is laying on the sand and this is me

bye see ya tomorrow

jasmine & carlos

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