الاثنين، 31 أكتوبر 2011

the scary eye

hi scared pandas
we would say to you a nickname evron the scary eyes
there is some pandas know it and some dont know it
he is get all pancackes in panfu for him self and he have a scary eye
and hes scare horns
in panfu no panda love him he get all the pancackes in panfu
and we forget the FAMOUS PANDAS IN PANFU

evron the scary eyes

the day is the day its halloween day

hi fluffy pandas
the day is the day its the halloween day
hi guys do u forget me
oh yes
what are u saying? we are write in the blog
lets get sweets
and collect them all
and turn around the homes
and put the dicoration
and all get the scary coustoms
be cause we will scare al the peapole
i have a halloween song lets say it
happy halloween for all
and collect sweets
to scare all!
and have a breath
its funny song

have fun in panfu
PS:dont forget the day is the last day if uwant a picturs of halloween go under school and click on poogle


الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2011

my sister travel

hi pandas paws
today my sister traveld to china and there is a friend his name carlos

my name is carlos
i have 13 years old
my favourite colour is red
my favourite sport is chess
my favourite friend is jasmine
my favourite hobbie is writing
i like to exeplorer panfu and do quests and i love to write in the blog
but carlos what do we will do now whith out yasmine
i dont know lets write wat do we see yesterday
i was do a quest but i see the ball room was very sacary  and some pandas are wearing celia and mike coustom in the movie monester inc.
wow and me too and yester day was gold panda day but i know thing
that gold panda day is only in thursday or friday
PS:promise me tha u will not to say to yasmine
have fun

halloween party kicked of

hi panda paws
we are here to say u some thing

the party halloween is today
to day is the day the creepy party is today
in the ballroom in the castle
the ballroom is scary there are spiders net and some body skeleton and its black its exellant ball room
have creepy day hahaha i beet carlos because i buy to him a elephant coustom i say to him that he is tierd to and he cant write the blog whith me
this a scary day three days whole of creepy things have fun at the three creepy days !

today gold panda day!

hi panfu paws
we want to say to you a realy good new
buy clothes
but furniture
buy bollys and pockpets
drive cars
ride horses and unicorns
have a fun day on panfu!
carlos but tommowro is the halloween party and we dont have a coustom
dont worry i open mu acount and your acount and buy the coustoms
what you opend my acount oh i am angry from you
tommowro is a creepy day all the panda will wear the coustoms
but jasmine i but for u celia and for me mike in the movie monester inc.do you know it?
yea i know it
ok buy this coustoms and spook your friends!there are no way to



P.S.:dont forget and buy your clothes and all the things and have funny gold day


yasmine and me on panfu

hi i am yasmine
and i am jasmine


we are a sisters we are on panfu
we play panfu from long time and we think that we will do a blog
lets say to yow awere cards
my name is:jasmine
i have:13 years old
my favourite colour:purple
my favourite sport:kungfu
my favourite hobbi:write in the blog
i like: do quests and exeplorar panfu and know new things on panfu
i dont like:bullig chat or fighting or shouting.

my name:yasmine


i have:14years old
my favourite colour:pink
my favourite sport:karate
my favourite hobbi:paint
i like:to meet new friend do quests play mini games i like reading
i dont like:bad friends sit and watch tv 

and there are the cast
my name is paco
i have 14 years old
my favourite friend is carlos
my favourite sport is basket ball
my favourite colour is green
my favourite hobbie is play on the computer
i like to write the blog and watch t.v
i dont like fighting or bad websites
my name is lily
i have 12 years old
my favourite friend is yasmine
my favourite colour is lighting blue
my favourite sport is swimming
my favourite hobbi is dancing
i like dance and sing
i dont like basketball or colour

my name is mary
i have14 years old
my favourite friend is paco
my favourite sport i skaiting on the ice
my favourte colour is orange
my favourite hobbi is reading
i like to play chess and have a site
i dont like football and have a bad friends
blog team